why should we change the date of australia day

Not to mention, the colonial structures that are at the foundation of the Australia we now know are still very much impacting on the experiences of Indigenous people, and ultimately, continuing to oppress and disadvantage them systematically. This is especially so if you want to be a nation known for its inclusivity and multiculturalism. But, as it stands, Australia Day marks the anniversary of invasion and the beginning of an era of mourning, survival and resilience for Australia's First Nations peoples. According to the Australia Day website: "The tradition of having Australia Day as a national holiday on 26 January is a recent one. The fact that it isnt is an interesting glimpse into the chasm of systemic racism. We want to use this platform to provide some information on why we believe that Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, if at all. // console.log('ignore ' + all_links.href); Whatever people choose to call that day, it is not a date suitable for rejoicing. display: none; While 49 per cent believed the date was likely to move within the next decade. And remind them that we have robbed them? If you are interested in our services or have any specific questions, please send us an enquiry. This week, we encourage you to spend the time you would normally spend listening to our podcast educa If this article brings up any issues for you or anyone you know, or you have experienced targeted violence, please contact Lifeline (13 11 14), Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), both of which provide trained counsellors you can talk with 24/7. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and future returns are not guaranteed. The equivalent for Australia is July 9, 1900. Several local councils around the country have stopped celebrating Australia Day on January 26 against the wishes of the Federal Government. Through his advocacy work, Mr Dawe wants to break the cycle of trauma which happens to Aboriginal children who are placed in out-of-home care. There are no sound reasons why the date shouldnt be changed but there are plenty of reasons why the nation needs to change. Although we acknowledge that changing dates will by no means address or make up for the full detriment of non-Indigenous actions, nor will it solve the long term, ongoing impacts and complexities of colonialism, we do believe its a step in the right direction towards reconciliation. The only reasons I can fathom for opposition to changing the date is white privilege, or perhaps even racism. The date is also known as Survival Day or Invasion Day to many. I believe were almost there which explains the frantic push back. Use our interactive tool to see the results and how your answers compare. It might not be the easiest sell, however. change_link = false; It begins with treating well the people who were there first. oldonload(); Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? It will always be a day of protest for as long as there are things that need to be protested against. In fact, they label it a Day of Mourning, Invasion Day, or Survival Day.. Nebrass strategies are always focused on return on investments, customer retention and high brand value. Thats when the First Fleet landed on Sydneys Botany Bay. This is a fundraising ribbon circulated for the first Australia Day on July 30, 1915. Due to systemic racism, power and privilege, and social determinants, these introduced systems of justice, education and health still have entrenched access and equity barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Thats a full 64 years before the day became an official holiday. var d = document, Combining eons of their own advances in sciencewith long standing trade relations with Muslim neighbours, First Peoples were already on an enviable trajectory. Changing the date would show that we have aspirations for this country to become greater than it is. Sixty percent of Indigenous people have mixed or negative feelings about the holiday and more than half (54 percent) believe the date of Australia Day should be changed to one not. When Ms Reys began her work with Reconciliation Australia, she observed limited support for changing the date of Australia Day. Of course, many employees can choose to take both days off, so they can be with their families. This is the date the City of Fremantle council chose to use this . de 2014 . Read more about why we need to change the date of Australia Day: "We are a multicultural country and a lot of people have come and married into our family and we need to do the right thing and respect all cultures," he said. On Australia Day we celebrate all the things we love about Australia: land, sense of fair go, lifestyle, democracy, the freedoms we enjoy but particularly our people. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider (with or without the assistance of an adviser) whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances. A lot. A Guardian Essential poll in. (CrescentWealth), Blog In fact, many have decided to join the movement of Change It Ourselves. Instead of waiting for the governments to do something about it, they have decided to take the first step themselves. "It's a remembrance day for us, so we try to remember that by doing our culture, preserving our culture so people can actually see what was here on January 26, 1788," he said. change_link = true; window.dm = window.dm ||{ AjaxData:[]}; Your achievements and a few scars and from some mistakes and things that you could have done better.. Ive written about that date before, its origins and forgotten storiesand recent almost-comical attempts to protect a public holiday. The prime, simple reason for Australia Day staying put is that most Australians want it that way so they can salute their nation. But thats actually a false assumption. Not only does January 26 mark the day the dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples began, it sets up European invasion as an important source of Australian identity and. Celebrating on this day is an acknowledgment of the first time Europeans inhabited Australian land: men, women and children. Keeping politics out of Australia Day padding-left: 16px; Its that a full community of people, who are directly hurt and traumatized by the chosen date, say that it should be changed. window.dm.AjaxEvent = function(et, d, ssid, ad){ Around two thirds of Australian women are now in favour of a rethink on holding Australia Day on January 26, compared with51 per centof men. Why some are celebrating Australia Day. ketogenic diet disadvantages weight loss update epilepsy symptoms, and not . Therefore, Australia Day should be changed to a more appropriate date that truly represents Australians at our finest. : A Statement of the Case for the Aborigines Progressive Associations, The Publicist, 1938, p.3. Its not like its such a big deal to most. Australia Day is marked on 26 January every year with a national public holiday. We asked 60,000 Australians about their lives. And how can we celebrate our nation on a date that so many mourn? The tradition of having Australia Day as a national holiday on 26 January is a recent one. In fact to all Aboriginals, January 26th marks the beginning of a long-standing oppressive regime that took away their rights, their unique cultures, and their resources. Not only is the date inaccurate about the First Fleet landing, but more than that, why is Australia as a nation that considers itself a humanitarian one, celebrating the day when the annihilation of the 500 indigenous groups began? After all, doesnt the national anthem say: Australians all let us rejoice? We cannot seek an end to the oppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by cajoling the broad majority of Australians with soft entreaties of change the date. "Part of a maturing nation is the willingness to listen and learn from someone else's view and to keep a dialogue open," she said. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed on May 9, 1901, when Australia's first parliament convened and the six British colonies merged to . See where you fit on the issues that matter. Now, she said, Australians from all walks of life are more invested in learning more "about our shared history [and] understanding Indigenous perspectives". } Most people dont even care about that actual date, they just want a day off work, or to have a few drinks, or to have a barbecue, or whatever it is that people do. 2023 Australian Ethical Investment Ltd (ABN 47 003 188 930, AFSL 229949). When it comes to January 26, instead of organising a party with friends, consider attending an Invasion Day rally. In fact, if you consider that the Aboriginals are the backbone of the Australian nation, then its actually beinghighly patrioticto support this change the date Australia Day to some other day. Fifield also wrote to the Chair of the ABC urging the station to reconsider. Having an alternative date will still mean they are celebrating the colonial project here in so-called Australia, Ruby Wharton, (Gamilaraay Kooma), member of the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, told Clothing the Gap, a Victorian Aboriginal owned and led social enterprise. display: none !important; In fact, its a day when many immigrants become Australian citizens, which is a day of great joy for them to be finally included as an official member of a family and country they love so much. As the public broadcaster representing all Australians, triple j and the ABC doesnt take a view in the discussions, triple j said in a statement. Australia Day has become the annual starters gun for all the rabid racists to complain about how we objectors hate Australia & disrespect diggers, when in reality it because we love the ancient . Now about 28 per cent of Australians want the date to be moved, according to a new survey by Nine News and Sydney Morning Herald . By the 1900s, the indigenous population was reduced by 90%, through a systematic method of displacement, and indoctrination of the tribes into the British culture. 2. Having lived on this continent for close to 80,000 years and surviving the violence of colonisation and ongoing injustices of non-Indigenous settlement, the voices of First Peoples cannot be dismissed. s.type = 'text/javascript'; For First Nations peoples, changing the date would acknowledge the pain associated with January 26. It will always be Invasion Day, Survival Day, a Day of Mourning. Now, there are two lines of thinking when it comes to this date. That was not the . On this Invasion Day, I am angry. and fast. Photo: AAP Its time to rethink our decision to celebrate a day that is painful for so many. "It's a very significant day for the foundation of Australia, and . And it enabled colonisers and settlers to participate in and/or witness without objection decades of massacres, land and resource theft, rape, cultural genocide and other acts of violence towards First Peoples. Though it has been a staple of Australian media in recent decades to run a few stories acknowledging the existence of Indigenous people protesting Australia Day in one form or another (this year it was the Lamb ad and the Aussiebum undies ordeal so far), but thats about it. January 26 is a source of pain that non-Indigenous Australians just dont experience and sends a message to Indigenous people, the true custodians of the country we enjoy, that they arent part of the story of this nation. From a political standpoint, there are a few ways to move Australia Day. And, although it will take longer, the nation will change. It compares the demographics of the 60,000 survey respondents with census data to weight responses by sex, age, education, language, geography and vote to ensure the views of Australians are accurately reflected. Sienna-Swan, 12, said it was a "fun, kind and respectful" way to spend the day. This move was criticised, with the Resources Minister at the time, Matt Canavan, calling it a disgraceful decision. Tomorrow must come In most other nations, the national day marks independence (often from the British) or foundation. Changing the date of our current Australia day celebrations provides an outlet for all Australians to come together and rejoice for everything good about our nation whilst being respectful and helping to break down colonially embedded stigmas around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In fact, the real date is actually somewhere a week or so before January 26th. breadboard. If you need help applying or want to talk super, call us on 1300 926 626. While many Australians argue that we have much to celebrate about this country, it shouldnt come at the expense of our First Nations peoples. // console.log('force ' + all_links.href); The disparity between these two experiences couldnt be starker. Indigenous groups have been protesting against celebrating January 26th as any sort of public holiday for90 years now!!! Moreover, another fire was lit when a 15-year-old Noongar Yamatji boy, Cassius Turvey, died in 2022. . var all_links = document.links[t]; The very best of TheLatch delivered straight to your inbox. In 2017, national youth radio station triple j announced it was moving its annual Hottest 100 music countdown from January 26 to another date close by. Solution: The email address associated with your Amazon account should have a strong, unique password. And I am not alone. '&l=' + l : ''; I got a column called timeentered from table table_test which is stored in date format (Australia time). He knew that Australia Day was not a celebratory day from an Aboriginal perspective, and did not bother with the pretense that it ever could be. For decades, January 26 has been observed as a day of mourning for Aboriginal and Torres Islander people. "It was mainly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were marching the streets and protesting, demonstrating and so no-one was part of a formal, larger, wider conversation," she said. By moving Australia Day to another date, what are we losing? Its key because changing the date of Australia is an invitation, its an invitation for us mob to feel at home in our own country. The voice of whiteness is also found in present arguments, like when the violence of settlement is justified by what the British introduced. Mr Wyatt questioned the Australia Talks findings. The Australia Talks National Survey 2021 has revealed a majority of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for Indigenous nations. And, the day wasn't even declared as Australia Day until around 150 years later and since that time, the date of Australia Day changed many times. The same holds true if someone names "co-executors" or "several . It also marks the start of Reconciliation Week. There is no greater opportunity for that conversation than one simple question: What date should Australia Day be held on? It only began to be a national public holiday in 1994 - making it a mere 27-year-old tradition. I need to convert it to UTC timezone first, then change it to a date format. It was inconsiderate to have changed the date in 1994 to the 26th January. Read on to see what those reasons could be and why there is a serious push from the Aborigine community and others todo an Australia Day date change. Welcome to Dig Deeper, a content series allowing you to dive as deep as you like into topics that are underserved in the current media landscape but need and deserve more coverage and attention. Articles, podcasts, videos, research & courses tackling the issues that matter. Gemma McKinnon, If Indigenous Voices Cant Even Be Heard on Australia Day, What Hope Have We Got? ABC News, 23 January 2018. Check out our website to get more details. document.links[t].setAttribute('onClick', 'javascript:window.open(\''+all_links.href+'\'); return false;'); Either way, it really pays to understand both sides of this one, because you cant change minds or win arguments without understanding your oppositions POV. But why not some other day how about the day that Australia garnered independence from the British empire, i.e., 9th October? Changing the date is saying, we trust you to determine your own lives, we value your knowledge, and most importantly, its saying we dont want you to hurt anymore at the hands of our celebration. In recent years celebrating Australia Day with barbeques, countdowns and festivals have given way to survival day protests and debates about what Australia Day truly means. The entire premise upon which this Australia Day is based is shoddy and thus, the idea that this day should be celebrated is farcical. So its understandable that 26 January is not a day of celebration for our Aboriginal community. } Info here. More from Letters to the Editor Barnaby is both out of touch and running out of time } Obviously, he isnt considering the full picture and the entire experience of all the Australian citizens. Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said he did not agree with changing the date. } It would be ideal for all Australians to celebrate Australia Day together but for our First Peoples, 26 January is a Day of Mourning which signifies the beginning of. Eugenics ( / judnks / yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek (e) 'good, well', and - (gens) 'come into being, growing') [1] [2] is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. I should know, because thats the entire premise of the book I spent the past year writing: breaking down the arguments and counter-arguments of important social issues to help young people speak up about the stuff they really care about. The answer will tell us all we need to know about how great a country Australia is. Traditional low carb, high fat keto s primary goal is usually rapid weight loss keto diet philosophy weight loss motivators or a reduction of . text-align: center; The survey was conducted by Vox Pop Labs for the ABC and is one of the largest conducted in the country. var ignore = 'https://imgix.pedestrian.tv'; Changing the date of our current Australia day celebrations provides an outlet for all Australians to come together and rejoice for everything good about our nation whilst being respectful and helping to break down colonially embedded stigmas around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A McNair poll showed just 15 per cent of Australians want the date changed. Not until 1935 did all the Australian states and territories use that name to mark that date. May 9, the day of the first sitting of Federal Parliament in 1901 and the day that Parliament moved to Canberra in 1927. First of all, adding your voice to this conversation helps to make it a lot louder. It could be: A rolling date, set on the third Friday in January to guarantee a long weekend every year (very much here for this). Crescent Foundation Just over 26 per cent of our 24 million Australians were born overseas and many were granted their citizenship on January 26. I choose not to repeat myself, because the date will change. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { The sovereignty of approximately 600 distinctly different cultural/language groups was never ceded. Australia Day, holiday (January 26) honouring the establishment of the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia. That was the day that Australias course changed forever. For those that protest, there are mixed views over whether to change the date or abolish the national holiday altogether. Does Cbd Oil Help Ivdd Dogs. To many Australians, Australia Day is just another day off. May 27, to mark the day in 1967 when Australia held a referendum to include Indigenous Australians in the census. Get the latest inspiration, intelligence, events & more. Join over 10,000 members by joiningAustralias only Islamic Super Fund. Putting ethics at the centre of everyday life. The changing of the date of Australia Day would broadcast our sincerity and hope for reconciliation for what the first settlers committed. var oldonload = window.onload; Crazily enough, it wasnt until 2008 that the then prime minister Kevin Rudd formally apologized to the Aboriginals for the atrocities committed against them, like forced child removals and cultural destruction through assimilation. A large proportion of the population 45 per cent disagree or feel neutral about the push to move Australia Day and Ms Reys said it was important to make room "for different views". It is then we will be able to achieve a day that celebrates all the things we love about our great southern land and also creates a new, inclusive day of celebration for our First Australians. News Corp reports 29% of more than 1,000 people surveyed said they would celebrate Australia Day 2021. In 2019, just 28 per centof respondents were strongly in favour of seeing a shift to the date, in 2021 that went upto 39 per cent. if(ignore != '' && all_links.href.search(ignore) != -1) { It should not be relied upon for tax, legal or accounting advice. j = d.createElement( s ), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? This movement sparked a number of much-needed conversations including the ways in which systemic racism operates within this country. Additionally, former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, wasnt interested in changing the date either, saying, Australia Day is 26 January. It is not just Indigenous people who have a long history of opposition to this date. document.links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); Australia Day should be for all Australians, but for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who mark the day as one of invasion, survival and mourning, it is an emotional day. Did you find this helpful? f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); Ihsan is used to describe Islamic excellence and its pursuit. True. Out of the other 364 days that could be chosen, why January 26th? One is to scrap the celebration completely, which, given that Australia is rooted in colonialism, and any celebration of it would be celebrating this fact is a fair argument. We're changing our minds on Australia Day and it's happening rapidly, Australia Talks reveals, Australian Defence Force personnel and aircraft will be involved in the evacuation of residents from remote communities in the NTexperiencing significant flooding, Former government services minister Stuart Robert is being questioned at theRobodebt inquiry, Keep up with the latest ASX and business news. Despite generations of violence and interference from settler colonialists, First Peoples have not been defeated. As a first-generation Australian I firmly believe that to truly understand the issue, we have to listen to First Nations voices of all kinds. Let your local MPs know that this is an issue that is important to you. But Australia Day ends up being a blight on this picture-perfect scene. A catalyst that will make us pause, reflect upon, and discuss what sort of country we have been, where we are today, and where we want to be in the future. Warning: This article contains images of Indigenous people who have died. Then to have a separate day of celebration, inclusive for all. The first is the type that Malcolm Turnbull gave in parliament. Australia Day does not exist on January 26. By moving Australia Day to another date, what is the Indigenous community gaining? Here we are again: New Year, new January, same Australia debating whether or not to change the date of the national holiday. So, how do we go about actually making this change? Not until 1935 did all the Australian states and territories use that name to mark that date. Whyshould Australia Day be changed? This is why the date of Australia Day should be changed. But every celebration, every BBQ, every family gathering, is tainted by the knowledge that this day was the beginning of the end for many Aboriginal people. This is a critical time in Australian history. In fact,every year around December, the debate starts over again. Read more stories fromThe Latchand follow us onFacebook. The date will change. Counselling and bespoke consulting programs to help you make better decisions and navigate complexity. Should we change Australia Day? ( Read full column here .) Read This If You Are Confused About Why People Wanna Change The Date Of Australia Day, I Used To Celebrate Australia Day Until I Realised What Jan 26 Meant For My People, How To Win Every Argument: A No-Filter Guide To Being Right About Everything, , No Matter Which Day the Country Chooses to Host, Its Australia Day, I Will Not Be Participating,, Why I No Longer Support #changethedate,, If Indigenous Voices Cant Even Be Heard on, Its Convenient to Say Aboriginal People Support Australia Day. if(document.links[t].hasAttribute('onClick') == false) { On 1300 926 626 they have decided to join the movement of change it to a more appropriate date truly... 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